Sunday, October 26, 2008

First post

Hello and welcome to my blog. This blogs purpose will be multi-purposed, in that I want to do away with a various sundry of blogs, diaries and journals out there, and tie them all seamlessly into one. My blogs have served me well over the years, but every blogger knows that as we mature, grow and change, so do our blogs.
I write about many different things, like, cooking, gardening, politics, veteran's affairs, parenthood, the Internet, computer coding and gadgetry, to name but a few. I write about whatever is on my mind. Up until now I have attempted to separate the topics into separate blogs spread out all over the Internet. At some point the writer realizes, that no matter how much he or she intended for this to not happen, they wake up one morning to the sad realization that they are pandering to an audience. With this blog I will simply write what is on my mind, whether that be inadequacies of the Obama economic plan or the joys of Japanese cuisine and the beauty of a perfectly rolled nori maki.
See you soon!

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